I sold weed to 5 guys who were in a fraternity at a local college back in the 90s. The shit they did to each other and the frat did to new guys was pretty disgusting. As a man I wouldn't ever do or allow any of it just to belong to a group or to hang with the "cool" people.
They said the frat got a couple dirty crack whores for a party and they made one guy lick her ass in front of everyone. Another guy had to cheat on his long time girlfriend because the seniors had a fat ugly girl who wrote papers for them and tutored them and she had a crush on the guy. They said the frat even took up a collection to send her and the guy off on a 3 day weekend to the poconos after mid-terms. They had tons of stories like that. They also did shit where the upper classmen could hit on the new guys girlfriends and try to get them to cheat so the seniors could rub it in their faces if they succeeded.
I thought they were sad pathetic pussies for tolerating shit like that just to have pretend friends. I used to charge them way more than anyone for their weed becasue I thought they were dicks. I stopped dealing to them when a couple of them got busted for possession and they narced on a guy who sold them coke. They were were all walking on eggshells because they were worried the coke dealer had friends that were going to fuck them up and like dummies they they tell me like I'm not going to drop the snitch bitches when I find out what they are going to do to me if they got caught with herb.