I feel bad for you on the Immigration stuff. I personally liked the fast and loose regulations of the 80's and 90's because the Hispanics that came here broke their balls at jobs Americans didn't want, and the Eastern Europeans that came over had money to spend, both helped make the economy go. Blame knee jerk reactions to 9/11.

If our economy collapses, so does China's. No more manufacturing jobs there and the treasuries they hold become worthless.

Now China could get pissed at us and screw us over by flooding the market with treasuries, causing the value of the dollar to drop, but they'd be cutting off their nose.

I peg it at half way through the next Pres term that the economy starts to heal, or its can food and ammo time.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral