Not everyone in the industry are dregs. I don't have anything to say about the production company who hosts this particular site. The bottom line is industry people generally represent themselves in their own manner, and being that you act like a complete jackass who promotes on it's basic surface "slop porn" only provides the cannon fodder.

J.B. is right. We are only regurgitating what others have said about you for years now. I'm just piling on what is already been posted about you. I don't investigate you like others have here. I've mentioned this before but it bears repeating: I've would have never known who most of you mopes are until I started lurking here. How I react to the collective "mopage" is how you represent yourselves here. Once you decided to stick your diseased cock into whatever thread or dynamic that I participate in, well. I'm just gonna call bullshit on your ass. Not because I'm riding some High Horse. I'm just knocking you off yours.

If Seymour Butts can call himself a producer/director, I guess anybody can. Again, you are represented by your work. Being that you constantly push it outside of the Website Talk forum, it's bound to be judged upon it's own merit. I just happen to have some technical background from working in various fields of production that lends me to a greater area of criticism.

But hey, I didn't start this thread. I only started one thread about Brandon Iron in the limerick thread. That's after the Knox Haiku thread overran it's course. A thread where again you stuck your diseased cock into. Once more, you represent yourself here. I'm not the guy who posted a whole hit piece about you on my own blog, to which I found lame myself.

You're still pretty much a hack, but you're XPT's hack after all. That counts for something.
Rear Admiral:

"If one of these whores gets herpes from me, then so be it."

"Next for me: trannies."


"This fucking jackass needs to show a recent Herpes test or go back to Canada." - BigDickDaddy