I dunno how many Editors use Windows Movie Maker. So cross that off another wannabe Title of yours.

BTW: Lighting, lenses, filters, gain, framing, composition, etc. Learn these things. Camera guys and gals are Photogs first. From being on the field shooting ENG, doing Industrial, Educational, Corporate, etc. A RED camera and OP costs more than your entire annual production budget for one day alone. So not only can I produce better quality, I can also have it cut, rendered, and mastered faster without having a need for a hack like you. Why? Because I know what a truck and Jib are, that's why.

ETA: I've shot bigger talent through my glass than you ever have. Not porn talent. REAL talent.

Edited by superloads (09/11/11 02:34 AM)
Rear Admiral:

"If one of these whores gets herpes from me, then so be it."

"Next for me: trannies."


"This fucking jackass needs to show a recent Herpes test or go back to Canada." - BigDickDaddy