You don't answer questions; I re-read all your posts and did not notice before the age discrepancy in your tales. Your a disgusting yetti who fucked a kid and is STILL riding her for your own means. The reason your post has gotten so much attention is because you are a fucking tool.

Its creepy how into yourself you are. You use third person references and really have created quite a mysterious alternate reality that from your posts appears to be in your mind and not based in any real terms. Name the porn chick, name the studios that were interested in your wife, name the TV show. You can't, you won't; you are a schizo and have some extreme delusions of grandeur. Plus you fucked a 16 year old when you where 26. So, you sir making judgements on porn and those that watch it is quite humorous. And still, no remarks from your 'wife.' The one that doesn't exist, the one that probably isn't allowed to read your emails, the one that has been controlled by you since her teen years. I feel sorry for her for being in a relationship with a mongrel shitface like you.

She would be well advised to leave you if only she really existed...

And on another note; please stop double spacing your posts. Its annoying.