One of the lulziest threads alive today. Kristina Rose is perfectly fine with getting her head dunked in a goddamn toilet as long as it's by some overrated Eurodouche, but when a fanboy says that he'd rather see someone else in one of her recent roles, she goes all-out whore ballistic. Yes, she's bitching that ADT is too harsh on performers. Too bad it got the lock treatment. Could have been legendary.

Stuck-up whore writes:
Since I've been on ADT, I've seen a lot of retarded etiquette when it comes to ADTers and how they speak about/towards porn chicks. It's really annoying.
Saying things like

"Taylor Von Bailey wrote:
I'm glad it's not going to be Kristina."

"RedDevil87 wrote: Dana is cool. Would have preferred Phoenix but I'm sure Dana will produce a great scene too."

Who the fuck do you think you are?!
Where the fuck are your manners?
What's the point in comments like this?
Why not just say "Hey bitches, I'm an asshole with terrible etiquette and I'm trying to insult you, muuaaahhaaaahaaa"

So I've decided that there should be a place on here for all the porn stars to freely be assholes to all the assholes on ADT.

Since you can talk shit about us and make backhanded comments and compliments and try to verbally manipulate us into doing things we're not into to fulfill your fetishes all while safely tucked behind your computer screens, I figure it's only fair for us to have an outlet here on ADT so we can complain about those fan assholes that are probably stealing our porn anyways.

I mean.. us porn girls have opinions about you too. Some of you we like and some of you we could really do without. This is our little nook on ADT to to speak freely about you the same way you speak freely about us on every other forum and thread.