Have we considered going through a talent agent?

As far as I know, Mr. South is supposed to be 'the best' in the business...

...but if he truly has a problem with informing girls about the risks they are about to take when entering the business...

...then no, we WILL NOT contact any 'talent agents.'

Thus far, the most reputable person who has contacted us is Mr. Ferrara, of Modelgig.com.

Mr. Ferrara had the COURAGE to stand up to critics when one of his models informed him that she tried to stop her asshole from being ripped apart on a shoot.

The fact that she lied about it is of no consequence.

The fact that he stood up for her is.

That took big brass balls, and my wife and I applaud him.

If we do ever go with an agent, it will probably be him.

I hope he feels the same way about Ms. Mitchell as we do, and I bet he does.

She is THE BEST thing to happen to this industry in the last ten years, and HISTORY will remember her COURAGE too.

If Sharon Mitchell ever decides to open her own studio, my wife and I will be HAPPY to sign up with her, and HAPPY to be her first contract stars.

CONSENT is an important word.

CONSENT involves people knowing what they are getting into, with no knowledge left out.

CONSENT can be a mood killer.


CONSENT is the ONLY way to go for people who like to sleep at night, and for people who know the difference between right, and wrong.

If Mr. South is willing to gloss over the risky aspects of this business just to make a buck...

...then my wife and I think he needs to change his views.

We don't need the money, and we don't care if he hates us for feeling that way.

Sharon Mitchell rocks.

Sharon Mitchell can sleep at night.

Sharon Mitchell is on the side of THE PERFORMERS.

What she did in her past, or the mistakes she may have made is of NO IMPORTANCE.

What IS of importance is TELLING THE TRUTH, and BEING A GOOD PERSON.

I want to have sex on camera.

My wife wants to have sex on camera.

We want to enter the business together.

We want to do it the RIGHT WAY.

We don't want to end up with a shitload of prescriptions used to treat a million different diseases, or worse, end up with AIDS.

Sitting around worrying about whether or not a cold you got could be your death sentence does't sound like much fun to us.

I would like to be the first member of the 'Sharon Mitchell' fan club.

Yes, you can be a good person, have integrity, and be in the porn industry.

You just have to have a brain, and know what to say NO to.

I don't think I'm 'insulting' porn viewers by being safe about entering the industry, and passing up offers.

To date, from this post, we have turned down 15 offers.

We will turn down another 100, and more, until the offer is right.

It ain't about money.

It's about safety, and what we like to do.

If anyone satisfies our requirements, which no, I don't think are too stringent, you'll have our happy fuck tape in your home within a couple of months.

And when you see that tape, and you watch us fuck, and you see the girls we are with...

...you will know that they are clean, we are clean, and that we aren't just looking for our next rock, or line.

Does that make a difference to a 'porn viewer'?

Image ALWAYS makes a difference.

The fact that Jenna Jameson IS NOT available for some derelict to piss on, or for a porn viewer to fuck in his sweaty hotel room- this is what makes people WANT HER ALL THAT MUCH MORE.

The operative word would be CLASS.

People pay good money for CLASS, and CLASS does exist.

We all want the girl we can't have- not the crack whore on the street corner.

I'm quite sure Mr. South is reading this post now...

...And we're quite sure he won't be very happy about it, and won't want to use us at World Modelling.

But guess what?

Until he changes his viewpoint, that's just fine with us.

When we find someone as respectable as Sharon Mitchell in this industry, we'll let you know.

Who knows, maybe someone like that- with guts and morals and decency- will even appear here on xxxporntalk.com.

I still have hope...

...and I know that many of you HATE ME.

It's Michael versus 600.

That's okay with me.

A thing done wrong simply isn't worth doing.

If this ever comes to fruition, and you all finally get to see us...

...all of this hate, will turn to love.

My wife and I admire people who have courage.

Courage means taking a lot of abuse.

Sharon Mitchell should be interviewed by Diane Sawyer.

Sharon Mitchell should be interviewed by Barbara Walters.

Sharon Mitchell is THE BEST HOPE that porn has for truly becoming an acceptable part of society.

I sure hope she opens a studio, and operates it in a building NEXT TO AIM.

That would be a GREAT STUDIO, and I would work my cock off for her.

Sharon Mitchell is OUR IDEA of what a truly INDEPENDENT, INTELLIGENT WOMAN should be.



Edited by michaelinhb (08/19/03 02:28 PM)