Look folks...

I don't hate any of the companies I mentioned.

In fact, I own releases from those companies, and yes, they do very good work.

The point I was making is that the kind of stuff they make DOES NOT appeal to my wife.

Thus, she does not want to get into this if it requires her to do the more hardcore stuff.

I, on the other hand, would be happy to do the more hardcore stuff- with other girls.


...it is true that smaller companies find a 'niche' market so they can get enough profit together to break into the mainstream.

Dion Garusso comes to this forum.

Let me ask Dion a question...

Dion...when you get enough profit together, do you plan to create something 'big', something that you can be proud of?

My guess is that he does.

Is that to say that what Red Light is making right now is not good?

No, it isn't.

In fact, it's very good. For me, Red Light does great stuff. So does Anabolic. My wife just happens to dislike it.

It's just not what she likes, would buy, or would want to be in.

Shit, I'd love to be in a Red Light production, but it seems that there is a very small band of guys that have a lock on that right now.

So why even try to get in? It seems hopeless.

Maybe I should give you all some idea of what my wife likes, what SHE thinks is a GREAT porn movie...

My wife likes 'The Story of O'.

It's a ten part series, shot on film, from a book that she loves.

This may shock all of you, but it includes whipping, bondage, anal, watersports, imprisonment, and beautiful girls and guys.

But alas, it's the WAY that it's done that she loves. Ironic as it may seem, all of these things are done tastefully, and, even more ironic...this series was made 20 years ago.

I happen to love 'The Story of O' too.

I also like the stuff Red light does.

And the others.

It just isn't for her.


...I think what is going to have to happen here is something like P Knuckle suggested...we need to do something everyone can see.


We have decided to up the ante.

From what I gather, most of the directors and producers that do porn live in LA.

Therefore, we have decided that we are going to put up, or shut up.

Within a short time I am going to be making an announcement about my wife and I appearing at a semi-public place in the Los Angeles area.

At that appearance, which all of you will be able to attend, my wife and I are going to FUCK, LIVE, in front of ALL OF YOU, and pull out all the stops.

We will not ask for money, since we are not about money.

We will not need drugs, since we do not do drugs.

Tape can be edited.

A live performance cannot.

I will be announcing when and where this will happen very soon.

But, when all of you tell your studio friends about this, make sure you let them know a few things.

1. We will not be fucking them.
2. We will be performing straight sex only.
3. We may be bringing another hot female to perform with us, in front of all of you, but she DOES NOT want to be in the industry.
4. The two of us, or possibly the three of us, will only be perfoming together. The reason for this is simple: We have all been TESTED and are COMPLETELY DISEASE FREE.

...and we'd like to stay that way.

If you can get into this venue for free, that's fine with us.

Like I said, we aren't about money.

In fact, we don't even want tips.

So there it is...this 'suitcase pimp' is stepping up to the plate.

Hate me as you wish...

..but you all better bring a hefty amount of tissue...

...cuz we are gonna get you all off.

I'll be making this announcement soon, so stay tuned.

I just have to make sure that this venue, which is very, very well known, doesn't mind me announcing this.

And by the way, P Knuckle, if you'd like to invite Mr. Stern, that would be great.

The girl who may perform with us was recently on his show.

And, once again, if any of you thought it was ME who disliked the stuff made by the companies I listed, I would like to correct that.

In fact, Mr. Garusso and Mr. Wanker can have a front row seat at our performance, if they would like.

Let the games begin...

Expect an announcement here soon.


Edited by michaelinhb (08/18/03 01:05 PM)