That's absolutely true. If you find any other proof that I was involved in any capacity, I will own up to it. My conscience is clear, my friend. I have nothing to apologize to anyone with respect to PWL.
Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that you really had nothing to do with the PWL guys outside of friendship. (And I don't, for a moment, believe that.)
Let's assume that your worst offence is, as you say, friendship with the Donkey and his minions. Or even, to be as charitable towrds you as possible, that your worst offence is cowardice in the face of PWL.
WHY do you think you need not apologize for either of these?
WHY do you think you need not beg forgiveness from the so-called "friends" you betrayed by your silence.
WHY do you think you can make any kind of comeback in an industry you betrayed by aligning yourself, by your silence, with people like Tierney, Like Seoane, Like Tara, Like Fattarossi?
Sins of Omission are as grave as sins of commission, Brendan.