Big fuckin' deal. Maybe you two fucknuts should meet the Kerkoves. You two arent even close to ready for porn. I'll bet your wife only fucks girls and you. That is'nt porn, thats some married couple having sex. My mom and dad do it all the time (I wouldnt want to see it though), and guess what...Millions of married couples around the world fuck everyday....and guess what else....they use thier real names...hard to belive huh? However....if you two really would like to get into porn, bring your lovely woman to a Bukkake shoot and let the boys break her in right, or let JM put her in the next White Trash Whore. When a guy can stand by and admire his beautiful wife getting gang fucked by a bunch of black guys (for a couple hundred dollars) then you are ready for porn. Till then don't waste your time we don't want to see you.
Have a nice day and thank you for your time,