I'm really pleased to think that the perverts on this board would think the Admiral might have something illuminative to offer on this topic. Thanks, Superloads.
Although I am not a fake accountant, I am a fake lawyer and in the course of my fakery sometimes I am involved in fake M&A cases, offerings of fake shares, and fake workouts and bankruptcies.
A notation like that in the financial statement of a corporation is a screaming red flag:
This company is bankrupt. Run away!Certainly now is not a good time to buy shares in PRVT. With cash flow like that over a sustained period, this company faces either liquidation or reorganization unless they can pull a rabbit out of their hat by finding some big new money-making content-distribution channel, dumping costs (e.g., firing employees, spending less on content production, etc.) or selling what remaining hard assets they can shift. Maybe they're shopping some of their catalog even now for a quick cash fix.
In a liquidation the company will be killed and its assets (mainly its vast library of back-catalog videos and print publications) will be sold off in order that the creditors might recover some pennies on the dollar. Look for Private's catalog to end up on an aggregator site like VideosZ if it's not there already.
In a reorganization, the existing share capital of the company will most likely be written down to zero (
including the shares you just bought for 80¢, sucker) in a "capital reduction", and new shares will be issued to a new investor who will take over the company. Some of the share subscription price will be paid to the creditors in accordance with the receiver's reorganization plan (pennies on the dollar again), and then the new owner will have to arrange some working capital either in the form of subscription for new shares or a loan to PRVT guaranteed by the new shareholder.
NASDAQ may de-list a corporation if its shares trade below the NASDAQ's minimum bid price of $1.00 per share for a period of 30 days or more. PRVT went under a dollar sometime in February of this year and has stayed there continuously. Definitely PRVT is in danger of de-listing, which will make its shares pretty illiquid even if the company escapes liquidation or reorganization.
You can read more about de-listed shares on