This was the Nuclear Option? Oprah, please. Had sex with her before a condom, no std test. But she doesn't say it was rape. So wouldn't she be at some fault for allowing her only moneymaker to be penetrated by an untested wang? Or was it that his steady supply of wang made her fall off the wagon,like her powerlessness over blow. This is supposed to be some sort of role model of a strong woman? Her statements may or may not be accurate, but I think what we have learned from her posting is that Monica Foster is a weak, petty, childish woman who has made a life, not just a career, of wallowing in a hottub of self pity and victimhood. But it happens. Not everyone can overcome the trauma that she has obviously has endured.

Sometimes victims, in a desperate attempt to get some kind of ontrol in their lives, turn to whackjob conspiracy theories. They knowthe TRUTH, the Hidden Hand That Really Runs the Show. Unlike us poor sheeple, who are too blind to see. Hence the OTO nitwittery. Talk about your Hidden Hand. They got Manson to do his creepy crawly late nite fun with his Kids. At least according to Ed Sanders investigative masterpiece the Family. Just think what their link to the fuck industry could do. Oo-ee-oo, Monica.

It's Desi with almost correct spelling. Sad, pathetic, self deluded whore logic. That equals fun in Barryland.

Thanx for the laughs, hon. Or should I thank Daddy for making you the monkey driver rocket car that you are?

Consequences will never be the same.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE