The name’s Lubben….
Shelley Lubben. And she wants you to pony up
$5,000 to her
Pink Cross Foundation. You know, for her birthday. I’m serious. Don’t believe me?
Link: either you fuckers pay up or there’s going to be trouble.
BIG trouble. As in, porn stars killing themselves with parties and drugs and the fast life and random sex acts and….and…well, you know….all the other stuff that many young adults go through. Now you…I’m talking to
YOU, Poindexter! You felt the same urge to party when you were 20 but you kept it to a minimum. You finished your accounting degree and now you handle accounts payable and receivable at some small business. Forget the fact that you took personal responsibility for your life and chose your own path. You must now give up a donation towards whatever it is
Lyin’ Lubben believe cures
free will. A lot of people catch it. Now you must stop it. Send money now.
Now, all of you scholarly types will notice that her birthday came and went and she collected a mere 9% of what she was asking for. 9%!!
YOU FUCKING CHEAPSKATES! Don’t pretend like you don’t know
Lubben takes a whopping
40% of donations and pays them to herself as salary. The last tax return from 2009 showed it. Shame on you, you penurious perverts!
The Devil Wears Prada…but only when you donate.