Originally Posted By: His Excellency W
There's also a quick peek at fellow Xanax whore mommy Hailey Fivehead dragging on a cig while Tory is talking to the director...is that Jimmy Powers?

I already ID'ed her. frown Though in words that don't paint as accurate a picture.

She was darling of the board then, no?

I was a new and infrequent visitor at the time [she and Gia I believe were off to Tuna Fish/Can Studios in NYC, IIRC] and everyone was fawning all over her.

By the time I returned in the mid-Fall of '06, she was out and Sierra was all the rage to the point she was mod-ed.

Something about the stress of being a mod drove Sierra off the board and into the glamorous life of pocketbook mining and BlockBuster rackets. She must have had 10 posts or less after that.

I think whatever virus from the mod-boards infected Sierra, drove Moxie insane, made Monstar irrational, and may have even silently killed our beloved Dino.

And, yes it's Powers [per iafd, I have no idea what he looks like or if, as some have suggested, he eats bananas].

The one thing I took from the clip is that Kimberly Kane, while more the '70s whore in the eye-candy column, seems like she'd be fun to hang with. She appears to have an abundance of personality and seems pretty humorous.

Did she ever post here?
Amo i Gemelli!! wink