the young WASP cheerleaders types

More Irish & Slavic than WASP, but I understand the point.

Fatty, thoughts on Freddie Coupon trashing his players?

As noted, I cannot stand the Wilponzis. I continue to batter them [and get my posts removed]. I didn't want him. I feared the worst when Doubleday sold out since he opposed the addition of Piazza [and did his best to undermine the resigning].

This was confirmed in the Mets doing everything possible to discredit ARod with what should have been disappointed Met fans before his signing with the Rangers. And, once again when he defamed Vlad Guerrero's back when his comments and disinterest further discounted Vlad's price to the Angels.

But, neither one of those guys you mentioned is very aggressive or vengeful. Neither has a history of talking any trash with anyone. They have always been good citizens. And, other than Beltran in 2005, both have always performed well when healthy.

What Wagner or Delgado would have said in such an instance would been interesting, though.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink