Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
I'm there that it's torture. It's just that I'm OK with it. Does it work every time? Of course not. Does it never work? Of course not. Depends on a lot of factors. I figure folk like Chuck think that torture is done for laughs only.

And this makes me wonder. Why, Chuck, is it perfectly OK, even spankable, to take breath away from a whore? Yet it's never OK to take breath away from a terror suspect? I mean, it won't kill either one? Sure, it might mentally scar each, but you're OK with that as long as it's a whore, right?

Checkout the Christopher Hitchens waterboading on YouTube. Helasted about 2 seconds. Yeah, I'm a pussy. I'll pass on being waterboarded.

It was only torture for Hitchens because there was no Scotch mixed with the water.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules