
I knew you'd be whining about that. You just couldn't resist.

The point was that you have no idea what you're talking about. You couldn't even name a single terrorist Saddam was tied to. I had to do that for you.

You still insist that the handful of terrorists Saddam was tied to were plotting jihad against America instead of stirring up trouble against his neighbors, which was actually the case.

You want to pretend that I'm "in denial" because the facts don't fit your Fox-fueled fantasies, like how Kousa was waiting "for years" for a chance to flee Tripoli.

You didn't even know which country Sarkozy was running. Allies? If Sarkozy offered him a deal, Kousa would be in Paris, not London.

You were all pissed off that Obama bombed them. Now you're pissed off that he handed the job off without the loss of a single US casualty. You amuse me no end. Keep it up. This is like watching Panzer trying to talk about sex with an actual, live woman.

Seriously JB, for your sake I genuinely hope your trolling and not really this stupid. Go find a single quote in this thread that verifies any of this stuff your ranting about.

The closest you come to reality is the Koussa stuff. But, that was, apparently, a vain attempt to point out there are other conclusions you could draw besides what the governments are feeding the media as propaganda. But apparently that's too much for you to conceptualize.

Both me and Doe have given you links to reputable sources indicating Saddam's terrorist efforts did extend to America and the West, but you're still in denial about it because you heard that on FOX News one time, so it must be wrong... Amazing.