JB, your insistence that you know shit is is truly amazing. I guess it's just because people leave and don't waste their time explaining to you that it opens up the last little thing you desperately cling on to in hopes that you are actually knowledgable.

Yes, the West has said they want Ghaddafi gone, and for all practical purposes they should be able to get rid of him. But, there are 50 different reasons why that guy could have defected. Sarkovzy could have offered him a sweet deal. It could have been he's been wanting to defect for years, just no foreign nation was willing to offer him security from Ghaddafi's vengeance if he left till now.

But yes we know, no matter how obvious it is that JB's wrong about something, it's not that he's in denial, it's just that he put his hands over his ears and screeches, "never happened!"