I'm glad Obama gave that speech tonight. It was infinitely better than his one after the Gulf oil spill disaster. Especially if you manage to ignore everything Obama's claimed to stand for before. And, Obama did a nice job of skipping over and deflecting attention from his earlier beliefs...

I'm leaning towards thinking we should have just let Ghaddafi squelch the Libyan revolution down. We've already got enough change going on over there, and change rarely goes over well in the middle east. Why get involved and insist on this risk being taken on yet another middle eastern country?

But, Obama did make the point well enough so that it doesn't sound like it's just silly that we're over there. Apparently we've taken the stance that we don't want to nation build and administer the changes going on. We just want to encourage them, by easier, airborne military force when necessary. And, I'd like to see change in the middle east too. It's possible the Egyptian revolution never would have gone with so few casualties if it weren't for the West in the background making the same threats and encouragement that they did with Ghaddafi? Just hope it really is democracy waiting for them just around the corner over there.