Since JB has given up on defending his stringent lefty loony position on Saddam's terrorist activities, just a quick post informing readers of what his involvement really was. It was easier to find on Google than I thought it would be.

Search result number 4 from a Google search for "Saddam terrorism". A NY Sun article on a report the Pentagon issues after all the political posturing on the issue was over, from it:


The report also undercuts the claim made by many on the left and many at the CIA that Saddam, as a national socialist, was incapable of supporting or collaborating with the Islamist al Qaeda. The report concludes that instead Iraq's relationship with Osama bin Laden's organization was similar to the relationship between the rival Colombian cocaine cartels in the 1990s. Both were rivals in some sense for market share, but also allies when it came to expanding the size of the overall market.

Source: Click

There are details in that article as to what his involvement was.

Also, search result number 2 from Google. An interesting article on it from the Weekly Standard: Click