
Heh, you're not spinning your way out of this one Nothrust. I never said that he didn't.

Well, apparently JB's stuck doing knee-jerk reactions, refusing to look at what he's saying so there's not much point trying to reason with him. But, for the benefit of any readers who may still be reading this god-forsaken thread. Here's what he said a few posts above:


Saddam was a terrorist, all right, but the terror he inflicted was upon his own people and not remotely or by proxy.

But as JB begins to admit begrudgingly later in this thread, "well okay, maybe he gave a little money to Hamas...". lol


And speaking of Google, it must've been tough doing all that hemming and hawing when you figured out that the main recipients of Saddam's larges were targeting Tehran.

Of course most of his "terrorism" was against the enemies he created in the middle east. That's where he was. It's like saying you've got something on the Green Bay Packers indicating they're not that much of a threat. Because they do most of their playing and practising, in Wisconsin! So, why should we worry about them in Pennsylvania?


Yep, we prolly should've left him alone until AFTER we took out bin Laden, huh Dingus?

With hindsight and at the very least, the Iraq war would have been better off postponed until after Afghanistan was more stable...

That much, even W Bush would admit. But as he consistently points out in interviews, hindsight wasn't available at the time he made the decision.