
Ummm, yes you are and you're full of shit. That escapade damn near killed the true mission, which was wiping out the jihadis in afghanistan.

Fucking up Afghanistan is a damn good argument against Iraq. But, that argument uses the benefit of hindsight. 20 years from now and with additional hindsight, if we have another ally in the middle east we can count on to go bomb Syria (it was in mid '00's? during Bush administration) or Iraq (in '80? during Reagan administration) when they start building a nuclear bomb. And, this ally isn't Israel who Arabs consider the little devil. If freedom does spread like Bush propagandized for. With another 20 years of hindsight, is it necessarily going to look like such obviously a dumb thing to have done?

Last time I started rambling about all this shit on this board was with Fatman. I made it clear I really don't know whether or not we should have gone to Iraq, just have mixed emotions about it. But, I'm not sure how much hindsight is useful in determining whether or not he made the right decision at the time.


What Nothrust's bitching boils down to is the same shite that frootloop Pelosi did: Whatever the other guy does has to be wrong.

No, whether or not I agree with him, I find it interesting to try to understand people. And, I'm not getting this Obama guy. Jerkules made the best point. It's like Obama's head works in half-measures somehow. Where if we can do it easily then its okay. After all, would nearly as many people be bitching about Iraq if we had won 10 times more easily?

My head just doesn't work like that. If I'm going to do something as important as go to war...