His whole resume on foreign policy issues in the '08 campaign was that as a state senator for Illinois in '02 he gave a speech saying we shouldn't have gone to Iraq. But, there aren't nearly the reasons for going to Libya as there were for going to Iraq.

With Saddam supporting terrorism and the world boycotting his oil anyway, going to Iraq supported our long-term financial and security interests. All going to Libya is going to do long-term is encourage rebels in the Middle East to rise up in hopes of Western support, further destabilizing that region we are dependent upon for oil.

And that thing where he's made this huge statement about how the American will not send ground troops into Libya, that's just wrong. You want to put the fear of God into your enemies. Not project how reluctant you are to fight. Even if you have no plans for sending ground troops in. It sounds like Obama cow-towing to the left, assuring them it's not so bad... Another example of Obama being willing to politicize anything, including war.