Team Orange - Madison Young & Wenonas World vs Ariel X & Jennifer Dark.
In the initial interviews the Red Team admit that Orange are flexible and are stronger and say will stick their heads up their asses. Madison says Ariel X is one of her favorite people to fuck and Jennifer Dark says she really wants to fuck them in the ass.
We start by seeing the girls stretching in their wrestling outfits - skimpy bikinis & thongs. Wenona has a real athletic build and Ariel and Jennifer are well toned.
Ariel X and Wenona start - both girls really go for it & their clothes are soon off. Madison comes to help and they eventually both get their hands in Ariel's pussy at the same time.
Then Ariel and Madison go at each other - Ariel gets the better till Madison comes in to rescue and get Ariel's pussy again but Ariel is real feisty and it needs both Madison and Wenona to subdue her. Finally Jennifer comes in and the 2 of them go after Madison.
Round 2 starts with Jennifer vs Madison and she gets Jennifer in a lock and gropes her tits. Jennifer loses the led Red Team had and are soon 100 points down. Things change when Ariel comes on and she brings the Red Team in front again.
Round 3 starts with Ref Team just in front and Madison faces Ariel. Madison gives it everything and in an effort to control her Ariel leg hits Madison head hard. Madison has to retire so Wenona steps in. Poor girl Wenona - she is now against Ariel and Jennifer and can' call on Madison to help balance things out. Wenona can beat Jennifer though and gets her in a nasty lock.

Ariel comes on to help Jennifer and Wenona hasn't a chance!

Jennifer seems to love going after Wenona and is all over her. She takes the opportunity for an intimate kiss with Wenona when she can
End result Orange Team lose and winners Ariel and Jennifer can now enjoy the spoils of victory. Due to Madison's injury they go after Wenona hardest. Jennifer especially goes after Wenona hard!

Jennifer really seems to be enjoying herself - hardly goes after Madison and focuses on Wenona - fucking her ass hard with her strap-on. For those sympathetic to Wenona and what Jennifer did to her - Jennifer gets her ass fucked on a later contest!