I also feel that the above quoted response is much better. I like the product you are putting out.If others dont like it they dont have to watch it! The problem is that porn fans dont realize how much work production of a fuck film is. They think you film people fucking... The End. I know this is not so. I also know it's hard to give positive responses to negative criticism. I belive that saying "I'm trying to do better, wait and see." is a much better response than "Fuck off let's see you do it, Go somewhere else!". Keep a positive outlook and even if things dont pan out, at the end of the day you can always say I gave it my best shot. I also feel that you should relay the message to your counterparts at Platinum X that they need to give more positive responses to negative situations.
P.S. I really live in Columbus, Ohio. It sucks here so bad that I have to travel 2,500 miles just to find a decent whore to whack off on!
P.P.S. I have not had any problems with the DVDS you are putting out, technically, content or otherwise.