
Keep posting, but I am not going to be the only one who will say this to you: nobody cares about an agenda pushed on them.

As I already stated elsewhere, having an agenda is not necessarily a bad thing. If you want to know why I focused so intensely on one thing, here you go: I am human. No one is perfect. So...

I hate(d) sadistic sociopaths, among others. I thought that hatred could be controlled and used as a motivator, but it only poisons the mind and promotes irrationality.

I fear(ed) that people couldn't figure this stuff out on their own. However, if rough and/or repeated anal sex really does cause serious problems, then the truth should become evident sooner or later. I'm impatient and don't want to wait.

I have an anus fetish. Narrowly-focused sexual attractions are not so uncommon. It makes me care to a highly unusual degree. It also makes me selfish. I don't want to lose my supply of nice-looking female anus. But not every woman out there is going to engage in receptive anal sex. I should take what I can get and be satisfied.

Steph once told me that I needed to gain some perspective. There you go.


Didn't blink admit to trolling a coupla posts back?

I admitted to joking. If that's what trolling is, then so be it.