
And here's another question. So let's say we, as a group, care about this issue. What exactly are we to do about it? There's what, 20 regulars here? Yeah. We have torn assloads of influence in the product that's put out.

I have amassed a huge, stinky pile of shit on anal sex. I need to let it air out sometimes. If someone who can possibly make a difference catches a whiff of the smell from somewhere else, then I've accomplished something. And if not...? Oh well; I tried.


At the end of the day, we have less influence on the product than the stretched asshole pw's you're trying to save.

What I'm doing here is spreading information because I've collected entirely too much and continue to do so. If I wanted to "save" people from being taken advantage of (whether due to ignorance, abuse, or some other reason), then you can be absolutely certain that I would not be doing this.