And Tritone. You might not have caught on to this or maybe you like it but I have noticed that once chicks start doing IR they tend to get stuck in that market. Exceptions exist of course.
If you want to test what I am saying pick a few random girls on freeones and start at the beginning (the very last page of galleries) and often times as you progress there will be an interracial scene. Then that is all they end up getting hired to do.
Can you see how I would not find that appealing?
I am not trying to keep the black man down, just that once a girl takes that fork in the road these is no turning back.
And yes, there of course exceptions to this trend just like not all black dudes are thugged out homeboys. I don't have time to do any example finding for you right now.
I don't give a shit if a chick does brothers but in porn many times it looks like one of those "bell cannot be unrung" situations.
Similar deal applies to when someone starts doing gaping asshole videos to give another example of a "no turning" back porn move.