


Besides, Monica's attitude is utterly repulsive and that makes her totally unattractive to me

This. Has nothing to do with what someone looks like...they could be the most perfect physical specimen on earth, but a bad attitude will make them ugly.

I agree with you Cameron when it comes to the "real world" - that's why I strive to be both attractive on the outside and the inside - and am.

However this is porn world Cameron - I mean, if personality really mattered that much, wouldn't you have been a top contract girl quite some time ago? I always thought it was easy for blonde haired light eyed girls with great personalities to attain top tier status in porn fairly easily - what happened Cameron?

Ohhhhh must be that little issue with your abdominal area No worries - your personality outshines that problem in the real world - I suppose...

Yeah see THIS is the ugliness I'm taking about. You are a hateful person who tries very hard to convince others (And prob yourself) that you are much better then you are.

1)I never wanted to be a contract girl, and considering I didnt get into porn until I was 33 I knew damn well it wasnt ever going to happen no matter what I looked like OR what my personality was. Porn was a lark for me...not my ultimate career goal. See..I have these things called SKILLS and TALENTS which let me get a real job whenever I want one. I enjoyed my time off from the real world while I did porn full time...and now I'm bored with it, and lets face it...I'm a cpl yrs away from 40 and dont want to be one of those sad girls (like you prob will be) still trying to pay bills with my vagina at 45. Unless you are Nina Hartley..it just doesnt work out well.

and 2) yes my personality DOES work out VERY well for me in the real world. Actually, it did in porn as well since people would MUCH rather work with a girl who isnt a stick figure anorexic, but is a JOY to work with then a (maybe...but not really...that midsection of yours has grown over the yrs too hon. Yeah...I saw your cam show lately. Lay off the chitlins darlin) thinner girl with a wonky eye that makes everyone on set want to hang her by the time the shoot is halfway over.

You dont have a great rep in the biz babe. Which is prob why you havent shot anything in forever...despite your claims that you could shoot tomorrow. Sure you could. Gag factor maybe. Or a nice TFP shoot..?

But no really...you are lovely. And pretty. And just an all around awesome person. Have a great day crazy.
myspace.com/pornstarcameronkeys twitter.com/cameronkeys cameronkeys.com