
Who's to say I spread my legs for the compensation I was expecting? Don't assume...

OMG are you fucking serious? You were supposed to receive $ 1000 for 3 hours with Dykstra in a hotel room, you are a whore, you commented on his inadequate penis size and performance in bed... Look Monica, we all know that you can't just outright admit being a prostitute because it is illegal. But don't insult our intelligence by claiming otherwise.


I was in some very good porn movies and if I felt like shooting a scene for another movie or movies tomorrow

Who are you kidding? You can't afford the AIM test, you're over thirty and all companies that shoot black girls have already shot you.


No one owns my websites but me - and that was a pretty good business move

Your websites are blogspot pages with like 3-4 articles each containing common knowledge and your personal opinions on topics such as: "Getting into porn", "Getting out of porn", "Modern hiking girl", "the Donkey show" and "Mighty Afrodite". How you manage to resist takeover attempts by Microsoft and Gooogle is a mystery.


I wrote a book that's selling nicely about my perspective on the porn industry and what I view are the positives and negatives

Too bad the book has only 98 pages and is self-published.


I run my weekly little online broadcast Monica At Home which is informative, fun and draws more attention to my projects

Yeah, you broadcast your rants every now on than on blogtv making you the only person who is not there to whore themselves for more myspace subscribers/twitter followers. Also, you're drinking or drunk during at least half of your broadcasts. But yeah, these are fun.


I learned my lesson in regards to escorting with the Dykstra situation AND have gained some attention from the situation in arenas of which previously had no idea about Monica Foster

You mean like the FBI, right?


So I'm not clear, how did I fail?

"I'm DONE women in this world - especially black women can never win. You try but no matter what, everyone pulls you down - black men white men all men. Then women take the men's sides because they don't know better and are competitive. I really want to just kill myself tonight and get it all over with. To anyone I disappointed I'm sorry. This whole situation is too much. I have no friends and my family hates me and have nothing left at all. If people wanted to see someone fall you got it. Have a good laugh - hope it was worth it fuckers."

Do these words sound familiar to you?
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja