Bill O'Reilly in his critique of the far left on his show on Monday pointed out how desperate the liberals are for a political victory. He also pointed out their hypocrisy on this particular issue. The Daily Kos had the same type of maps with the same guns sights on them, with one of bulls-eyes on Gifford’s district during her primary. Now when Sarah Palin does the exact same thing as those pinkos, she means for people to kill Democrats in those Districts.

People call Glenn Beck a conspiracy theorist when he says some of the Pinkocrates in Washington are Socialists, even though they are on tape proclaiming they are. In the same breath liberals will turn around and reach to make connections between the shooter and conservatives, reading into what Sarah Palin meant with her target chart and assuming the shooter was influenced by her chart when they really have no idea what was going on in this fucksticks mind. THAT'S a conspiracy theory for you commie fucks.

The shooter never mentioned Palin, Rush, Beck, the Tea Party, or Fox News in his Internet diatribes but the left wants to state for a fact that he was in the Tea Party and a Palin supporter. He was a registered Independent and didn’t vote in the last election, he is just BAT SHIT CRAZY!

The left was quick to tell people not to stereotype all dune coons when the Ft. Hood shooter went on his rampage for Islam. The second a white man does the same shit they want to group all white Republicans and Tea Party members in with him.

All of this shit from liberals is hate speech itself and now there is going to be a backlash against the liberals and their Jewish controlled media. These commie fucks should have kept their mouths shut instead of trying to use 9 year olds getting killed to bring down conservatives.