I did not care enough to read the above statements about me. I just came straight to the end to write my message. I know my good sides I’ve done to him and please my friends as well. I don’t need comments from a guy whose an asshole basket case. I’m not coming back on this thread to keep wasting time fighting against this guy on this thread whose extremely miserable about his life.
He has nerve to smash everyone on this board and me b/c I don’t want to work with him. He probably thinks he’s laughing, but I am. He doesn’t have any money, friends, his mom sadly wants him to find a job, & wasted his time going to rehab for xanax. And the friends he gave such great effort to attack & talk garbage to are still my friends b/c they know better and has been through this kind of nonsense before.
Can you just send these emails to your psychologist that you see every week instead of annoying people on xxxporntalk? He needs to pick up a book and plan his life instead of living off peoples’ drama, gossip and writing his own stupid blog on here.
I promised you I would make the puking video about this guy (Fat Bastard) and probably 2 other people who think they are hot shit by talking bad about someone else to make themselves feel better. I’m shooting it in April since I’m having someone come down to film it and edit it. We all have the same lives such as do the samething, go to the same places, watch the samething. Honestly, how are we different? No has the right to say anything.
I was going to shoot it by myself the last few months, but I will make it more creative with it. If he wants to play this game, he can make one of me like I asked. I’m not sure if he’s going to top this one or the next with the no connections he has.
The next time I come on here will be to post these videos and that’s it for me.
You can say whatever you want about me including that I have AIDS which everyone at AIM can say false. Therefore, FatBastard is already not credible for anything on here.
I'm not going to worry about you and still going to plan my own adventures and not live out of others lives like he does. That’s how everyone should be thinking.