Quote: god's still pissed every time homosexuals march through a city taunting his word to man. that's why he whacks that fag from the original real world with shitloads of productive coughing as a fuck you to paraders.
same timeframe, adultery galore, but god had never created man willed to run the point in the same form and size he did in creating magic. nigga was the size of mchale firing 30-foot passes behind the back, that guy was clearly a prototype that could ignore the 10-commandments so flagrantly but be granted eternal life for being proof that god can create a 4 with sick fucking handle as reason not no parade if it's not pope-approved, especially not if the parade is a celebration of gay sex and the invention of the enema so that grown men can manage fecal impaction for a few bucks anytime. god kills pedro in gross and flulike ways.
You have got to be fucking kidding. Thet made a movie about that fruit Pedro who was on MTV's "The Real World"? The whole thing was so fucking contrived. The liberal jewbags at MTV just happen to cast a flamer with 6 months to live for their reality show. Of course they had no clue he had fag cancer until after he was cast - lol.
I can predict the plot: Young Pedro sucks cocks by the dozen and abuses his poop shute. Pedro gets Aids. Pedro, who is from some foreign shithole, spreads the message that the US government must spend more on handouts for sick fruits like himself. Pedro dies. The entire world mourns. What a brave and wise butt pirate the world has lost.
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