
obviously it's not me, unless you guys think i am so retarded that i would twitter about AIM if i had any inkling or notion that I am infected/quarantined.

I do none of those things. Off camera, I play warcraft, work out, and bullshit on the computer. I fuck off camera maybe 2 times a week (and i never bottom off camera, much less non-condom

So my shenanigans are limited to doing things on camera with other performers who are AIM tested like me.

You guys have known me for 5 years now. This industry is my career, why would I throw it away by being a risky person off camera? That doesn't make any sense does it?

what the liger called vicky richter said


s Hugh says, it is a little suspect that you register and post just to stick up for Christian. I too think you are Christian!!!

Jagger is much better than Christian and my personal favorite (not including Buddy Wood of course).

Here are some little known facts about Christian.

#1 - I gave him enema lessons as he still didn't know after a few years in the business
#2 - I got him into RPG gaming
#3 - I once had sex with him off camera the night his family and friends found out he had been doing gay and transsexual porn. He was devastated. This is why I think he over-justifies his manhood in his blog and avoids writing about the TS stuff more than anything. I am sure everyone he knows reads that stuff. Personally, I think he is smart to leave it out and I can understand why he does.

I know so many of his secrets it is ridiculous. Still, I've never used anything againt him. He, on the other hand, really is someone who is a backstabber and untrustworthy. I would never put my trust in someone who speaks ill of me to directors after I've gone out of my way to hook him up in the past.