I looked at it, thought it was expensive. The pre-release announcements few months back were that it was gonna cost $100, not $300. Plus, I've seen people mention around that there's also a bunch of accessories you end up wanting to buy. Like, another $80 for a keyboard? Don't remember exactly.
The similar Apple TV device is only $100. But, Apple is trying to run all the content through iTunes, initially (that'll change before too long I bet).
Roku is another option. They're got a few models of their device between $70-$150 I think. And, it's not a closed model like Apple TV is.
The Apple TV doesn't have a hard drive, everything is streamed from iTunes, which is fine by some people. But, no hard drive makes it cheaper. I don't know if the Roku or the Revue has a hard drive or not.
For porn, Apple TV is out. Steve Jobs is running around bitching about how you can get porn from the Android store and calling it a plus for his platform that porn isn't nearly as readily available. (But, you can keep porn on a PC and streams it to the Apple TV via iTunes if you want - Just not as easy as getting it right through the web).
Basically, I'd wait and see what unfolds. There's not a lot of content for these things yet, even though it's coming:
ClickBut, I've already got a PC running Windows Media Center hooked up to my TV. So, I'm not itching for something. I mainly use it for streaming from Netflix, which is all old movies and TV shows, so it's not like you're missing out on what's happening by not having it.
It's always better to wait when buying electronics devices anyway. I'd be surprised if within the next year it's not cheaper to get into Google TV for well under $300. Some people are mentioning that Logitech is one of those companies with delusions of grandeur that stuff with their name on it deserves a higher premium. Few companies get away with that, Apple being one. And, Apple does so much more than Logitech to deserve it.
If you really want something now, I'd look at the Roku, or if porn's not important, Apple TV.
If you spend $70 on a Roku now, in the next year or two you can probably get a better Google TV device than the Revue for under $200 and then end up saving money over what you'd spend for a Revue now.