

I have to say that for all the hijinks aimed at the Palin family, the dragging of the little kid into was by far the lamest and most tasteless.

Don't rewrite history please. Palin dragged the kid into, displaying it and talking about at the Republican convention. After she used it as a political prop, the said prop became fair game.

As for good/bad for porn, here is a very simple cheat sheet since so many of you still don't seem to get it:
Democratic presidents -- good for porn; Republican presidents -- bad for porn.

The reason is very simple: Republicans can't get elected without the evangelical anti-abortion, anti-porn crowd. They can't ever deliver on the banning abortion pledge (and would be committing political suicide if they somehow did), so every time they are in power, the crumbs they throw at the evangelicals involve starting a bunch of porn prosecutions.

Meanwhile a core Democratic constituency is the free speech absolutist, pro-ACLU left. And while the Ds can't deliver on real stuff like pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan, closing Gitmo or putting the banksters behind the financial crisis in jail, they don't start any new porn prosecutions. Clear now?

Not clear at all, but thanx for trying.

The Downs kid: Could you tell us what should have been done with this kid? Paraded him out, as a prop. Like the rest of her kids? Like Barry has? Like Clinton did? I was outraged when Limbaugh dumped on that girl, just as you should be outraged that people were dumping on that kid. Like every other politician with a family does? Or is this new to the Palins?

So tell me, was it the kid's fault or Palin's fault that people shit on him? Because it's been proven right here that good hearted folks like you can't be at fault for shitting on a DD kid. Is it that her politics, her fucking politics (which no one knew in the early days when the real fun surrounding that kid started), that makes shitting on a DD baby OK in your book? Or is it maybe something wrong in you? Sort of like the way Cuck sees a darkie and automatically thinks "nigger"? I'm guessing the problem is within you, if you have to go so far afield to defend that kind of cowardly bullshit. Rewriting history is one thing, lad. But to lay the blame for getting that kid shit on on the Palin family doorstep is fucking idiotic.

Should they have kept the kid locked up, under wraps, like those royal Kennedys did? I can hear all you pure of hearts now crowing to the rooftops that they were ashamed to have a DD baby.

Michelle mentioned her and Barry's kid were at a danger of being tubby. So much so that the girl had to see a doctor. Does that make the girls a prop? Is it open season on them? I'm sure them using using their kid as a prop is somehow different, because they think the right way. Oh, by the way, in case you don't know: Nothing makes it open season on them. They're children for fuck's sake.

The Bush daughters, the Gore kids, they're adults. They're on their own. But something is really fucked up when attacking little kids because of the percieved sins of their parents is OK. I somehow doubt we're clear on that.

As to the question, you're just wrong. No serious Presidential candidate is going to come out in favor of porn. Show me the one who has. The best you're going to get is a discreet order to DOJ to not have porn cases as a high priority. Kind of like the recent instructions to DEA to leave Compassion Clubs alone in states where MedPot is legal.

I go back to the Meese era...again. The sky didn't fall. The Flynt prosecution was local, IIRC. Oh, wait. That was during the Carter Administration. Yeah, big Righty him. Frankly, the sky didn't fall during Bush 2. I'm sure Hirsch was glad to see Max et al being targeted. So, really the question would be which part of the industry would be adversely affected? The PPV, pretty box covers, contract girls who don't do anal? Probably not, no matter what direction the wind from Washington. The "other" side...the side most of us dig? Well, keep their books and records in order, probably no problem either. If you cut corners, send stuff where it's not supposed to go, well, trouble might be brewing. I don't send pipes to Pennsylvania. It's asking for trouble. Pure and simple.

Abortion and porn are big swing issues now? What about those new fangled assault weapons? Or maybe letting Hawaii join the Union? You're in the 80's. No one gives a shit about porn or abortion, or gun control/ rights. The vast majority, on both sides, are more worried about basic freedoms and their money than they are about any of that. Sure, there are people out there that say "oh, candidate Q is pro- abortion/ pro- life. He's got my vote.". But they're few and far between and are frankly pretty marginalized.

It's the 2010's, Ted. Stop worrying about the personalities and start thinkingn about the issues.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE