1. You mean the same 10 commandments that are the bases for all modern law and ethics? You're right they're silly, we should be able to murder who we want and steal everything we want

Really, and humanity didn't have the idea that stealing and murdering wasn't such a good idea before 'god came along. Of course that didn't stop chrisitans from doing just those same thing, but they had a handy excuse "oh well god told me to" . thats assuming that these "commandments" were actually given by "god' which of course there is no proof whatsoever

2. Actually the bible condemns human sacrifice, slavery, and incest. A lot of the stories are in the form of what is called a parable. Reading is fundamental.

REally you mean you really read the bible?

I suggest you read again about Jepthah

Abraham married his sister

Slavery is not only allowed in the bible, but they are oddly enough, rules for it

You missed genocide

3. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were not religious zealots, they weren't even religious. They were government separatists. So twist this in to which every way lets you sleep at night, but you're still wrong and you should probably stick to a subject you know something about, because it sure in the hell isn't this

Oh really?



Interview from time magazine

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes. But that's as far as I want to discuss. If I get too detailed on some things that are personal like that, it gives people an easier way [to] alienate themselves from me and that's all they are looking for now.

And Nichols and McVeigh were long followers of the Christian Identity movement

4. You were talking about absurd belief systems and I was pointing out to you that there are absurd belief systems that don't rely on religion, but that some people are actually crazy enough to follow and implement them as if they were. I'm sure you are aware of What Pol Pot, Mao, and Stalin have all done in the name of bettering humanity, and all without the word of God even entering into it.

Sure i am, but mercifully they dint base their ideas on some half baked idea that and omni-powerful invisible being. Was communism absurd? sure, but then again people actually learned a lesson from that and how many countries are actually Stalinist type communist countries today? not many

Want to know why, because even though it took decades for the peoples of those countries to figure out. that communism doesn't work in reality, they did eventually figure it out. They took a rational look at things at pretty much said , "screw this noise"

The problem with religion, be it Hindu, Islam, Christian or Scientology for that matter is that it derives it's basis for existence not on rational thought, but irrational ideas - the idea a super being created the the entire universe down to the sub-atomic level and lives though-out space and time (with all those contradictions involved) and yet has s special place in his/it's/her heart for "souls" of humans and whether or not we masturbate, two dudes, get married or a woman decides whether or not she insists her partner that he wear a rubber

While at the same - at least in terms of this "gods' existence" killing 10 if not hundreds of millions of people over the last two or three millennia. Of course this doesn't even address such things as "Noah's Ark" and the "Great Flood" or the "parting" of the Red Sea or that there may not be one 'god' but as many as three.

And that these "gods" are so powerful of course running the entire universe down to the quantum level that the best way that they have been able to interact with humanity over the last two thousand years is by having the face of "jesus" appear on peoples morning pastries

Of course Elvis appears on them too , but then im thinking that a lot of people equate one with the other