
Coke-authored comments has the potential of being a viral hit! Well, maybe if XPT used those "digg it" buttons and stuff like that to promote itself. I might put the time into it if I had all the material piled up that you got piled up. But, you're the one with the material piled up. Come on, man.

Haha! I wrote that to Coke like over a fucking year ago. That's awesome that he saved it! I'd forgotten all about that.

I had some idea for a thread that would have required work to put together and I'm to lazy to do it. So, knowing what a condescending elitist Coke is, I laid on the praise in a naive belief that would get him to do it.

It was something about Obama, I forget now but I thought it was really funny. However, it is true that he would have done it better than I. I think back then I was putting more effort in the board, but he stays up night dreaming about ways to make fun of Obama. He'd have had material already poking around in his head I wouldn't have had.

The other quotes he posted came from somewhere else.

Coke man, everybody gets those occasionally just saying something like "Haha! That was funny man...". Stop being such an elitist and acting like people lay around idolizing you like a fan does. Like, I'm reading some about investing over the last couple of months and I'll be looking at a company report and be thinking, "hmmmm, based on what I've read from the guy, what would Steven Romick think about this..." Nobody does that kind of stuff with you. But whatever, if it keeps you posting, I'm all for it. You say some funny shit.