
How anyone sees responding to racist hate speech by speaking back, as being self-righteous, is beyond me.

Searching yesterday, trying to see how you ticked off corndog so bad, you were talking shit like, "this is where the racists breed! In the corners of the internet!". Racism exists, get used to it. Bitching about racists is as tired as bitching about races. If you're gonna do it, at least do it with style like Coke does. Don't be running around as Chicken Little. Even Tritone has more a sense of humor about it.


Sorry my internet stalkers took over Gia's taking a break thread. She is still Twittering.

Twittering just barely. 2 tweets in the last week. She hasn't forsaken us yet!

Gia's not as rambunctious about it, but she's doing what Monkey used to do for this place. She's the back-bone of the whole thing these days.