
OK. Cut him some slack. He's not the first idiot to put his picture on the internet only to realize he'd made himself a laughing stock. Hell I did it here three years ago. Monkey still jacks off to that.

The thing is: There is a chance, however remote, that this experience has taught him some humility. The ball's in his court, really. He may slink off forever. He might learn something and become a better poster. Or he might come back being the same self-righteous prick he always was, in which case there's more than enough people ready to crucify him. It's all up to him.

Cut him some slack? Fuck the douche bag. I am the guy that is scum remember? Only time I comment is when an asshole like him or Tritone makes a stupid comment, which is quite regular.I honestly don't have a problem with black people, I do have a problem with self righteous and self serving idiots.It would be a glorious day if Charin, Tritone and Panzer made a suicide pact and all went skydiving together sans parachute.
Being Canadian is not a disease. It just feels like one. TUP