
You've really been in full attack mode with your alts...

Ahhh, yes, my "Army of Alts." Whose line are you bleating now? Oh yeah, Cassandra's alt paperclip. Sorry, guys. The jig is up. He got me. He finally realized that four fifths of this board is me. (The last fifth is the one he's cracking open right about now as he figures out how to deal with the mess he created.)


You are really defending those bigots.

If I was defending them, would I have suggested a better method of attacking them? There's some tea-bagger logic for you.


Makes you the Chief Bigot, Jim. That's obviously what it's all about.

No, it's about you being too consumed with your hate not to wrap all the people you dislike into one package. You thought you could "get" Gia for mocking you at the same time as Coke. Truth is, Chuckles: You had about as much to do with it as that butterfly in the amazon did with Katrina. Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Get over yourself.


??? Holier than thou because I oppose racist hate speech? Because I got help for my alcoholism and shared about it here, saying if you want to drink it's your business?

It's not the ends, Chuckles. It's the means. That's what my army of alts and I have been trying to tell you from the get go. We even gave you the weapons to do it properly. You threw yourself on them.


What rules do I say don't apply to me?

A-non-imi-fucking-ty. Ask my Bornyo and Wesley Snipes alts. Or ask the blonde broad whose pic you posted on a porn board. Did she relapse, Chuckles? Is that why you felt justified in shaming her here? You ought to read what you wrote above:


Just because you can say something, or dig up someone's personal information, doesn't mean you should.

You shouldn't have posted that pic. Bad. Very, very bad and not one word acknowledging the nature of your wrongs.


Jim, all I can conclude is, you love hate speech and want to attack anyone who responds by calling it what it is.

Right, because Chuckles, Vegetarian Fanboi, could never be wrong about anything. You should have either taken the fifth or drank it, but you're not spinning your way out of this one.