Mark, that’s funny as fuck. Y’see, I’m kinda to blame for the Paloma thread. I PM’d Chuck that the best way to make Coke look like an idiot was to befuddle him with non-sequiturs. Which worked, I suppose, but it had certain unintended consequences. I know it. Chuck knows it. That PM you received seals it.

The funny part is that you’re right: He barely exists, except in his inflated sense of himself. You think a thread like that could drive off a broad like G? Still, he knows he did wrong, again. It must be getting cramped up in that conscience of his, between this, the dog he rapes and and the blonde broad he wronged by posting her pic. Fine, lets balance the scale:

Y’know, Chuck, for an ultra left-winger, you look like a hirsuite Himmler, there. Next time, don’t tell anyone what kind of truck you bought. Don’t tell anyone where you went on vacation. And don’t tell anyone your dog’s name.

Hubris is killer and Google is your friend.

Oh, and before you go thinking of lashing out, remember that my pic is all over this shithole.

Chuck, you brought yourself to this pass and now you have two options:

  • Call your sponsor right now and admit what kind of a shit you've been; or
  • Pick up the bottle

I don’t think you can do it. I think you’ve been preachy and self-righteous for so long you’d rather be found urine-soaked and unshaven in an alley rather than admit the kind of harm you’ve done. You presumed to lecture people on a fucking porn board. You posted some broad’s pic here without her knowledge and you thought you had some kind of higher justification for it.

You didn’t.

Chuck, this one was easy.. You really don’t want to know what I can find when it’s not Friday night and I don’t have a buzz on. Go do some serious fourth step work, or else bevy up to the bar. You’re no better than anyone else.

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