I've been doing my sorting during ballgames. Tonight, a big pile of capacitors and some power transistors:
I won and fixed two capacitance meters, and I have a DVM that can measure little capacitors.
Conar matches my signal generator and signal tracer, there is a magic eye tube that lights when you dial in the correct value.
This next beasty was DOA. It needed battery maintenance, I cleaned up both battery holders and got fresh power to it, and it read 4. Anything you did, it said 4. Took him apart and fired it up, it had voltage where it should be for bias. Must be something in the input connector? Nope. So, I used my plastic pick to wiggle some things around the circuit that feeds the display driver chip, and sure enough, there was a bad solder spot on a jumper wire. Now, it works great!
It is a pure luxury to have all the tools, diagnostic gear, 'scope, meters, and parts in a well stocked electronics lab all sorted and right at hand. It's teh little stuff that often is frustrating and time consuming, not having to search and fool with the wrong tools makes stuff a lot more fun.