I rode the 1600 cc motorcycle across 70 or so miles of the Heartland to attend the huge Ohio State Fair in Columbus today. I cannot really express how huge this fair is. I know all you porners worry about growing is grapes and pot, but I'll share some of our midwest goodness for you.

From the freeway to my parking spot took about 10 minutes, the Highway Patrol controls everything at the Fair and does a great job. The bathroom I went into was spotless. Lots of shady spots, and air conditioned buildings, for those who need a break. And LOTS of nice corn fed, fap worthy Ohio girls.

There are huge barns for each type of farm animal. This is half of the pig barn. I wish I could send the great smells of the fair out to LA and NYC for you folks on here. Better than what I smelled in the big cities, similar, but different.

Here are some of the critters I saw, here is a cool looking rabbit. Yes, the rabbits have their own barn, there are tons of different kinds, several hundred rabbits there for judging.

Here are some chickens, there are also turkeys and ducks in this huge barn.

We grow things big in Ohio, this speaks for itself.

The fair, did I say it, is huge. Any kind of great fair food you could want. My favorites are the lemonade shake-ups, corn on the cob, fried pickles, and those greasy fries.

There are tons of carnival rides, including two old fashioned merry-go-rounds.

Now for the good stuff. Cows, city people, give us meat, milk, and butter. This is a cow, there were hundreds there.

If you come out here to the fair, you will have an opportunity to milk.

And, here is what I know all of you have been waiting for. Yes, the huge butter sculptures. Yes, a cow, a little cow, and two football players, full size, carved out of real butter. Here you go.

I hope you enjoyed this short glimpse into our Ohio State Fair.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

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Fuck 'em all but nine.