Stoudemire to explore his 'Hebrew roots' Associated Press
JERUSALEM -- Amare Stoudemire already knows some Hebrew phrases and sports a Star of David tattoo. Now he's come to Israel to explore what might be his Jewish heritage.
The five-time NBA All-Star who recently signed with the New York Knicks is on a weeklong visit to learn about Israel, its language and religions. He believes he has "Hebrew roots" through his mother, Carrie.
"She studied the Scriptures and history and she believes she is a Hebrew," he told The Associated Press Friday in Jerusalem. "I grew up in a very spiritual home. It's not about religion, it's about spirituality for me."
Stoudemire said he was "soaking up the culture" with his girlfriend and a few other friends from home.
He has long suspected his Jewish lineage -- Judaism is passed down through the mother's side. Stoudemire's agent, Happy Walters, said his client is a "student of history" and is "exploring religions in general."
He added that Stoudemire may turn to a genealogist when he returns to New York to dig deeper.
SOURCE I guess he's angling for a discrimination suit once anti-Semite Allan Houston is GM.