
...but my point was that I did more for Ellie than Shelley Lubben.

We got it. We've been getting it for a while. In fact, I think most of us agree with it. I certainly do. But you're either preaching to the choir here or, more likely, moanin' to yer mates because you think there's nothing else to be done.

Wanna do something about it? Here ya go, Sparky:

She's operating as a not-for-profit, right? Go dig up her financials, which oughta be publicly available. I'm certain that they'll appear absurd on their face. For shits and giggles, cross reference it with the cost of lipstick & Starbucks cards or whatever else she claims to spend $$$ on.

I'll bet you $10 her papers don't give a line-by-line for each whore "saved.." So her expenditures will appear as absurd as they sound to us.

Have someone non-industry send it all to the Cali Attorney General (Ex-Governor Moonbeam, who's running again for the job against Panzer's fantasy whore.) then, have them send the same (with the letter to moonbeam) to the LA times and such. Hell, send it to Panzer's whore as well and let Lubben become a campaign issue.

Will any of this make a difference?

I dunno. I've seen stranger things happen, especially in races where freaks such as these are trying to succeed someone like the Governator. But I'll tell you this:

You'll feel a lot better; and

We won't have to hear it.