Panasonic has come out with a HD 3-D TV,
here is more info:

Now, that could rejuvenate the xxx industry.
Everyone has to use special 3-D glasses they
provide to see the 3-D.

3-D will be very good for filming strip-tease,
taking the camera upwards as the girl is climbing
a staircase, or have the camera inside swimming pool
(below water) and have the girl jump in the water
(slow motion effect in editing). Of course, in 3-D
you have to throw things at the audience !
It is a gimmick, but the fad is coming up.

Yet, the American people already have eye problems
from sitting at computer at the office and
watching television. Now, with 3-D they will
become CROSS-EYED too !

I wonder what the new standard of beauty will
become then. Already the new standard of beauty
is skinny girl with botox upper-lip and boney

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