Steve participated in some group scenes for my sites. Never had a problem with him and he seemed like a guy who was trying to get where he wanted to be.

I feel bad because several months ago, he sent me a link on myspace. I clicked on the message without knowing what it was and it immediately opened up a hardcore scene he produced. I was in a public place -- a coffee shop -- and the volume on my computer was turned way up. It was, in a word, embarrassing.

I was pretty harsh to him and told him to never send me stuff like that. Looking back, I'm sure he was just doing his best to build up his name.

It's a shame Tom Dong may have paid a price for all this. Word is that the victim is Tom. On a side note, Tom was always cool to me. He participated in some scenes I shot and was good at fixing computers. He once brought my laptop back to life. Wish I could repay the favour.