So this past weekend I was working in the yard and violated one of my Dad's Commandments. I've had pocket knives of various types since I was 6 or so. Many old Case XX's that belonged to my Granddad or my Dad's first pen knife and even K-Bars from surplus. Dad always preached "son, you pull a wrench and you push a knife". Well, I failed at my ripe age to heed his advice. I was cutting a strap holding a couple pipes together with my right hand and holding the pipe in my left. Like an idiot I was cutting towards my left hand parallel to the pipes. There is no excuse for doing this but there is a reason- my knives are always face-shaving sharp, and usually just a slight amount of pressure will cut an object. Not this time.
When the knife cut through I planted the blade of my Buck pocketknife fully 1-1/4" in the back of my hand just above the "sweetmeat" between your thumb and forefinger. Damn it bled like a stuck pig and hurt like hell since I assume bone was all that stopped the blade. I washed it out and stopped the bleeding with a triple-antibiotic soaked pressure bandage and so far all seems well. I didn't sever any tendons or I wouldn't be able to type this post, so no ER trip for me.
So there's a lesson for all you whipper-snappers whose Dads were too busy smoking pot laced w/angel dust to teach you important life lessons or help with homework- "Pull a wrench and push a knife".