


I wonder if it is only us old-time lurkers that remember how it use to be around here?

Do you remember the pre-Monkey days? Owen S Mouth, Phil Owensmouth, Lord Byron, et al. That's how it really used to be.

I always though of XPT in terms of geologic eras, like the dinosaurs. You had the

(i) Triassic. The formative stage of the board after the Jeffy/WankerWang banfest over @ ADT. Lots of the refugees came over like Phllogiston, Smutmutant, even Igor Biggun and the life. From March 2003 until late 2004. Don't forget Gayoto, Lurid 1.0 & 2.0, and ohh fucking shit, you can't forget about the original Brazillian tranny rapist. I don't remember all of them, but I did read a lot of the old threads. Phil Ownensmouth was John Strong, who is pretty much a douchebag.

(ii) Jurasic. The "inflationary universise" of XPT. Monkey gets his own forum (hint: we all know who Monkey is, it's just a stupid joke). Add in jamesn, SmilingArab, Bish, Bornyo, Burg, Steve Millan, c62, Coochie Monster, Conky, GonzoGirl, Fatman, the "drpornz" spam scare. Smartt gets his first ban. From late 2004 to early 2007.

(iii) Cretaceous. Too many trolls sign up and try to prove their mettle against the previous posters, they spam the board trying to insinuate themselves into the mix. PAFH, kate/arthur, Steve Lockwood, Donkley Long.

(iv) the Current Era. Trying to find an identity. Nothing wrong with that. Just for the Hell of it, mopez is gonna be back available to post within the next 5 minutes

The one constant across the eras was Simp/CAOH/windsock! There would be no cogent XPT without Trav. Nothing more needs to be said.

Awwww, you remember me? Hell I didn't even remember my password to this cesspool. Had to go find my old PC just to log in again.

This place has always been shit. You can burn all the matches you want in here, and its still gonna smell like what it is.
Darrah Ford's family video archives - Father's Day, 1996: